Palliative Care is a type of health care for patients who are facing a life-threatening illness. It helps patients to achieve their best possible quality of life up until end of life. Often there are negative stigmas and misconceptions on the palliative approach, when really it’s designed to bring comfort, peace and a level of contentment. This blog outlines what palliative care is and how patients and their families can benefit. Patients may feel that accepting this form of care confirms that nothing more can be done for them and that they are hurrying the process of death. But really, palliative care is an active approach and game plan that considers prolonging life, neither hastening or avoiding death, but maintaining quality of life. This can include living as actively as possible and seeing out end-of-life wishes. Palliative Care aims to take the concerns of the patients and their families into account, as well as consider the emotional and spiritual concerns of patients and families. The care team puts emphasis on team work and communication, likely including volunteers, social workers and spiritual leads in addition to medical staff. They pay close attention to physical symptoms such as pain, nausea, loss of appetite and confusion that the patient might be experiencing. Staff ensures that care is respectful and supportive of patient dignity, respecting the social and cultural needs of patients and families. A Palliative Care approach offers a support system to patients and their families, enhancing quality of life and may positively influence the course of illness. By having Palliative Care support, family can spend those last precious moments with loved ones, knowing that their needs are being met by compassionate caregivers. Graceful Living Home Care Services offers Palliative Care allowing their clients the availability to live with dignity in the comfort of their own homes. Learn more about Palliative Care options by contacting Graceful Living Home Care Services.